Chicago Style Hotdog Recipe – Make It By Your Own

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Foodies always think about Chicago Hotdog. Its flavor and taste is truly different which is not possible to get from any other hotdogs. If you want to enjoy it at your home in this weekend, you should purchase different ingredients and should know the exact preparing process. Everyone knows that, preparing a mouthwatering dish requires right amount of ingredients and proper knowledge on how many time it has to put on oven.  Here is a complete guide about Chicago Dog and we’ll tell you where to shop and how to assembly the Dog in proper way.


Purchase the ingredients

In order to make your own masterpiece, it is vital to start with proper ingredients. Every topping are important. However, you can also use their substitute but it won’t come with the original flavor and taste. Therefore, always try to purchase the original ingredients.

The Hot Dog

Chicago Hotdogs are always come with beef without any filler. You shouldn’t think about using hotdog which is made from pork, chicken or turkey. If you prefer Kosher Dog, you should purchase them by checking Kosher symbol “K” or “U” in their packs. One thing is to keep in mind that, while going to purchase your Hotdog always stay away from ninety seven percent fat free choices. This is because; it is very hard to cook them. They also come with lack of flavors.

 Sports Peppers

Sports peppers known as the most important ingredients in Chicago Dog. These are green and come with one or two inches long with a medium hot taste. While you are going to use these peppers as topping, they should be whole and never sliced. You should avoid to use such peppers those are too hot. It may hijack all your taste. Chicago Dog is the perfect combination of all type of toppings. On the off chance, if there is single ingredient get overpowered, it won’t come with the original taste.


Chicago Dogs are famous for their sweet bright green relish. If you won’t get them from your supermarket, you can use its substitute. Any sweet relish will work well for your Chicago Dog.


Yellow mustard is known as the famous topping for Chicago Dog. Without this, you can’t certainly even imagine a Hotdog. Therefore, you can purchase any classic yellow mustard for your Chicago Hotdog. One thing is to keep in mind that, you shouldn’t use any type of brown or Dijon Mustard.


Pickle is the perfect complement to the Hotdog. The act of placing pickle on Hotdog is classic and without proper experience, you can’t certainly attain the goal you want. The pickle you are going to choose should be nice crunch and perfect in seasoning. This is the reason; always choose perfect pickles for your Hotdog.

Tomato and Onion

There is no special while choosing onion. If you don’t want to bite the onion, you can use Vadalia. This certain type of onion has smooth and sweet flavor.  Same as red tomato is better for your Hotdogs. You shouldn’t chop your tomato but slice them in order to get better look and taste.

Seed Bun

For Chicago Style Hotdogs, you should choose steamed poppy seed buns. These are perfect and fill with taste.

Preparing Process

After gathering all these ingredients, now time to prepare Hotdog. Place the heated Dog on the bun and then you should start adding different topping on it. First add yellow mustard on the dog from one end to another. Then add right amount of sweet relish. Then place onions on the top of the Dog. Then place tomato and while placing pickle that should be placed in the crevice between the bottom of the bun and hot dog. Add two sport peppers top of the Hotdog and finally sprinkle a dash of celery salt over the Dog.  Now the Chicago Style Hotdog is ready to serve.

We at Sonoma Farm provide Sports Peppers and if you want you can purchase sport peppers hot bulk for your Hotdog business.


  1. Treat Simply.Com on April 24, 2020 at 6:55 pm

    Place hot dogs in buns and then top with mustard, onion, relish, tomato slices, pickle spear, sport peppers, and a pinch of celery salt.

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